French Mint

Love the name and love this simple sparkling refresher.

1 ounce brandy
2 teaspoons mint simple syrup (see below)
1/2 cup cold, dry sparkling wine

Place brandy and simple syrup in a shaker with ice.
Shake to chill, strain into wine or flute glass.
Top with bubbly and stir once.
Garnish with mint leaf.

Basic simple syrup:
Combine 2 cups of water and two cups of granulated sugar in a sauce pan.
Stir to mix.
Place over medium-high heat to dissolve.
As soon as sugar is dissolved,remove from heat and let cool.
Refrigerate the syrup in a sealed container.

To infuse simple syrup with mint, after dissolving the sugar, add a cup of fresh mint leaves and push them to the bottom of the pan.
Let steep for over 30 minutes.
Pour through a sieve, pressing down to extract all the flavors.

This recipe is from Nicole Aloni, from Seattle, who has catered the Academy Awards, Queen Elizabeth II, and Julia Child.

Brenda C. Hill
Books By Hills
Where & What in the World Blog
$uccess Blog

Brenda Hill
Author: Brenda Hill

As a longtime food writer for Where Magazine New York City, Brenda Hill, along with her writing partner, Maralyn Hill (no relation), writes and publishes books about chefs, food and international travel. They co-authored "Our Love Affairs with Food & Travel" and joined French Master Chef Herve Laurent in writing "Cooking Secrets: The Why and How" Brenda has been active in the California Writer's Club, IFWTWA, and the Santa Barbara's Writers Conference. Brenda Hill and her partner Maralyn Hill conduct marketing and writing seminars. Maralyn and I will be heading back to Rancho La Puerta in July to give our presentation on writing and marketing your book, as well as bringing back some freshly picked off the farm nutritious and tasty recipes.