Festive Brandy Balls

Brandy Peak Distillery in Brookings, Oregon was kind enough to share this recipe with us for their Festive Brandy Balls.

For the history of this award winning distillery, watch upcoming posts.

Festive Brandy Balls

This delicious no bake cookie recipe is easy to make and can be stored for up to four weeks. Makes two dozen cookies.

2 1/2 cups finely crushed vanilla wafers
1 cup powdered sugar plus extra for coating
2 Tablespoons unsweetened cocoa
1 cup finely chopped hazelnuts or walnuts or precans
3 Tablespoons light corn syrup
1/4 cup Brandy Peak Pear or Aged Grape Brandy

Mix together well the crushed wafers, nuts, sugar and cocoa.

Combine syrup and brandy and tir into dry ingredients.

Mix well.

Roll into one inch balls and coat with powdered sugar.

Best if flavors are allowed to “marry” for several days.

Store in airtight container.

Enjoy. Please send us any special cookie recipes you may have for the holidays.

Maralyn D. Hill
Books By Hills
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Author: Maralyn

Maralyn Dennis Hill, The Epicurean Explorer, is president emeritus of International Food Wine & Travel Writers Association, member of Society of American Travel Writers, and Society of Professional Journalists. She is Executive Editor of Luxe Beat Magazine and contributes to other publications. She also speaks and is a guest on many shows. The majority of Maralyn’s articles are now geared to the luxury market, spas, corporate retreats, business events, and culinary tourism, from simple to gourmet. Maralyn’s description of herself: I was born to travel and tell the tale. I’m energized by different cultures in every aspect of their lives, from food, wine, and destination, to how they conduct business. Travel represents a continual geography lesson.