Many of my friends are travel starved. Some are single due to varied circumstances, while others are married to men who have no desire to travel. Those who are not writers, tend to be as less comfortable in making their own travel arrangements.
When I saw the announcement for, the name’s relevance did not immediately occur to me. But, on investigating the website, I think it has a lot to offer. Many women want to travel, but they are more comfortable if they can be with other women. This site provides an answer.
First of all, let’s describe chicable. According to its website, your chicable woman would be “A fun and likeable travel companion on a women-only trip or gathering.” This is a women-only travel and social networking site that hopes to capitalize on the growing popularity of women-only trips.
For those females who want to journey and explore, but not alone, check out as a possible answer. Let me know how you feel about the website and the trips offered. Those who take part in any of its trips, I would like to have feedback. Keep a journal and it can help you relive the experience.
As someone who lives to travel and tell the story, I find this chickable site a good solution for those who are somewhat apprehensive.
Happy Travels,
Maralyn D. Hill