Usually when Brenda or I write, we cover topics that have all sort of tips from us or from chefs we’ve experienced.
Today’s tip is unusual as it is what not to do.
I like bison and I’m always game to try different cuts. I purchased a “chuck” cut and figured I’d cook it similar to a chuck roast. That was certainly a wrong assumption on my part as I overcooked it.
It still tasted OK, but barely. In retrospect, I’d marinate it and grill it for 5 – 7 minutes on each side and slice like a London broil.
My tip is, when using a product that you are only somewhat familiar, check with your butcher or go online to the bison, beef, pork or whatever council and see what they recommend.
I consider myself a good cook and this was a mistake on my part.
I hope your new year is starting well. Keep cooking and enjoying. Remember, you can sign up for our updates to be sent directly to your e-mail. We do not share our list.
Culinarly yours,
Maralyn D. Hill
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