By Alfred Stallion

We all want our holiday photographs to look amazing. The problem is we don’t want to spend too much doing our makeup when there are so many things we want to do when we travel the world. Our skin become extremely sensitive when we travel! High altitudes trigger skin dehydration, and intense heat has detrimental effects on our hair. Put simply, traveling affects the body in the most literal sense. Even though we may not look that great in our vacation photos, there are tips and tricks to look fresh. Check them out.

Hydrate as much as possible

For your photos from Bora Bora or Hawaii to look amazing, you should hydrate. Regardless of your plans for this summer, the body should be hydrated in order to look and feel healthy and energized. Drink at least 2 liters of water per day. You will prevent a lot of common health concerns, including exhaustion and headaches. Your skin will look impeccable too; and no pimples or dryness will destroy your holiday’s photographs.


Before leaving for your destination, spend time the night before to moisturize your skin. Air conditioning, high altitude, intense heat, and environments that are different from your hometown might have negative side effects on your skin. A daily moisturizer is highly recommended. Have a spring water toner in the bag throughout the duration of your journey. Spray it on your face before the flight to ensure moisture and avoid excessive dryness. If you’re heading someplace hot, apply sunscreen with an SPF above 30.

Lip care

Your lips matter just as much as your complexion. Carry a lip balm with you to avoid cracks and crinkles. Avoid common lip balm, and choose something that contains all-natural ingredients such as glycerin, vitamin C, and other nutrients meant to hydrate the lips. Avoid heavy lipstick when traveling, and stick to a light gloss if you want more definition.

Cleansing wipes

Cleansing wipes are essential when you travel. There’s a wide variety available in the marketplace, meaning that you should choose properly. Check ingredients and avoid harsh chemicals that can do more harm than good. Some of the ingredients kill bacteria; but they also damage the skin trigger dryness and red spots. Alcohol-free wipes without any added fragrances are the best.


If you want to look amazing in your travel photos, you need to sleep well at night. Both men and women need their beauty sleep; otherwise your eyes will be puffy and your skin can suffer irreparable damage. Rather than watch TV or go out the day before your trip, spend time at home. Take care of your skin, and sleep at least 8 hours to wake up rejuvenated and ready for a memorable adventure. Avoid drinking alcohol throughout your journey. A glass of wine is more than recommended; but you should exaggerate for your travel photos to look great.

Steer clear of junk food

Who doesn’t love junk food? Leaving aside the fact that fries, fizzy drinks and cheeseburgers have negative effects on your body, these foods also harm the skin; triggering dryness and dullness. You need your complexion looking and feeling amazing. Choose fresh fruit instead, almonds, and walnuts to restore and preserve skin elasticity.

Hair care

Frizzy hair is common when you travel; whether you have short or long hair, it is important to take good care of it. Use a hair serum to preserve moisture, and avoid hairspray. Tie your hair in a ponytail to make sure your blow out is kept in top condition for a photo session. If the straightest hair becomes a little frizzy at low or high degrees then Use hair products to restore its glow, but you should avoid cheap shampoos and conditioners. A hair mark is highly recommended too; it will keep your curls under control.


Contrary to popular belief, it’s not impossible for you to look great on holiday. The secret ingredient is to use qualitative beauty products. Organic exfoliators for dry skin, alcohol-free wipes, and all-natural moisturizers make sure the complexion remains looking fabulous for days in a row even if there are 30+ degrees celsius at your chosen travel destination.

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Alfred Stallion

By Alfred Stallion

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