By Charlie Brown
Did you know that 90 percent of preschool children’s play in the United States involves a toy? This goes to show how toys contribute to children’s development. As a parent, you need to understand that the toys you pick for your kids can contribute to how they grow and learn.
When you choose the toys that your kids play with wisely, you help to enhance certain skills that are important to a child’s development. In fact, toys can contribute to helping children become better problem solvers, learn early math, and improve their language and literacy.
Our useful guide below highlights the ten best toys for a growing child. We will share with you the important considerations when choosing toys for your child.
- Match your child’s interests and abilities
Does your child love playing with animal toys? Do they love building? It’s important to choose toys that your kid is actually interested in playing with. Toys need to be challenging but at the same time fun for your child and not frustrate him/her to a point they won’t want to play with it.
- Consider the age
Always keep in mind your child’s age when choosing a toy. The toy shouldn’t be too complicated because your child will get frustrated trying to figure out how it works and end up not playing with it at all.
- Choose open-ended toys
There are a wide range of open-ended toys that most kids love. This includes stuff like bricks, arts and crafts as well as builders. These types of toys can be used in so many different ways and several times by your child. In fact, you should always focus on toys that can grow with your child. Many of these toys can be used by your child to build their own creations and encourage learning of science, technology and math.
- Encourage pretend play
When kids engage in pretend play, they develop their vocabulary and also become more creative. Choose toys that encourage pretend play such as kitchen sets for girls and a miniature zoo. Children tend to create their own new characters and act out certain situations. This really helps in developing their vocabulary and creativity and they have so much fun in the process.
- Choose toys that encourage collaboration
It’s important for a child to develop social skills from an early age. The best part is that toys can really help to foster this. Puzzles and builders are an excellent option for children to learn how to play together and develop social skills. Think about toys that will show your child how to wait for their turn and how to compromise, and toys that promote problem solving as a group so they learn how to work together.
- Explore the real world
When choosing toys for your child, think of items that would help them to discover and learn more about the real world. For instance, getting a binoculars, experiment kit or science toy for your child and then having follow-up questions will help them to learn more about the real world.
- Board games for children
Research has proven that board games, when introduced early to children, can significantly improve their math skills. Board games can teach kids how to count and strategize, which helps to enhance their cognitive skills as well.
- Read reviews
There are numerous reviews of games for kids. You need to read them to understand what to expect not only in terms of durability and value for money but how well kids respond to them. Parents are great reviewers and will offer clear cut opinions on any game they buy for their children. Don’t be afraid to go through forums and opinion sites looking for information on a brand or product you want to buy for your child.
- Choose education and entertainment
A recent study showed that kids play with gadgets more than toys. As the parent, you need to choose for your kids toys that do more than entertain. Toys that have an educational element will always provide more value to your child. For instance, toy kitchens, block sets and board games will encourage your child to learn so many new things. Toys can be used to teach soft skills too.
- Ease of assembly
Choose a toy that is easy to assemble. Imagine the pressure of trying to assemble a thousand pieces while your child is jumping in excitement and touching everything? Opt for a toy that is ready to go straight from the package.
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Charlie Brown
Author Bio: Charlie Brown is a freelance content writer. He has written many articles on technology, fashion, beauty, lifestyle, career, travel, health, etc. He has great experience in the field of writing. In his free time, he loves to spend more time in sharing his knowledge with his friends.
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