By Charlie Brown
You must have some goals in life that act as the lighthouse in the life’s journey by continually reminding you of reaching the target. Although there are skeptics who often denounce the goal setting activity by pointing to its inability to give proper results, the fact is that it is better to have something than having nothing at all. Not having any goals would pose more problems than having some goals, which can be refined and fine-tuned to give better results.
Goal setting is rather essential, and you must understand that the results depend on how well you have set the goals. Setting arbitrary goals would be a big mistake, which often misdirects people and create confusion. For setting goals correctly, you have to acquire some knowledge about the theory of setting goals that teaches you the right way of doing it. Read on to know how you should approach the task of goal setting by understanding the principle behind it.
Set clear and measurable goals
Whatever goal you set should firstly be achievable, and secondly, it should be measurable too. Consider your abilities and available resources that you can make use of to achieve the goals. Make the goal very specific and avoid being vague so that you can understand what to accomplish. Also, you must set a target for the level of achievement that would indicate whether you can achieve it or not. After all, the results would depend on the outcome and not how much of effort you have given for it.
Make the goals challenging
Build an element of challenge in the goals because too simple and easy to achieve goals could become counterproductive. Challenging goals would motivate you to put your abilities to test thereby improving performance with every level that you surpass successfully. However, you have to ensure that the difficulty level should not be so high that you fail to achieve it. The underlying challenge should entice you to prove your worth and generate interest in it. Develop self-discipline and self-confidence so that you can successfully overcome the hurdles.
Get committed to your goals
You have to be passionate about your goals so much that you should eat, sleep and dream goals. Be committed to the goals so that you never lose sight of it. Direct all your activities towards the objectives to realize the goals. Keep harping on the goals and do not hesitate to tell some close friends about it as it would only reinforce your commitment towards the goals.
Review the progress
How much you have achieved would act as a motivation to move forward. Therefore, you must review the progress periodically to ascertain that you are performing according to your expectations. Even if you find that you are falling behind, you can take steps to reinforce the activities for better results.
Lastly, set goals that might have some complexities but do not make it so complicated that it becomes stressful and frustrates your efforts.

Charlie Brown
Author Bio: Charlie Brown is a freelance content writer. He has written many articles on technology, fashion, beauty, lifestyle, career, travel, health, etc. He has great experience in the field of writing. In his free time, he loves to spend more time in sharing his knowledge with his friends.
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