By Ilse Frank
With gadgets in our hand 24/7, we have the internet dictating what we must and must not have in our lives. We search for what we might need for our wedding, and the internet comes up with hundreds of options we can choose from. Why not sit down, take a break and think about it. Do you really need to have everything that each blog says? Or are there a few things that we can cut back on? Here is a list of things that don’t necessarily need to have at your wedding.
A block of hotel rooms
Why do you need a whole block of rooms reserved when you have a small number of guests coming from out of town. It is an impractical trend that has come about this year. You can email a list of recommended convenient options near to the venue. This will save you a lot of work, going about asking for a whole block of rooms and making reservations while keeping all the particulars in mind because someone can’t afford a fancy place while some can’t bear to live anywhere else.
A guestbook
A guestbook? Do you really need a book to know who came to your wedding? Isn’t that what photographs are for. If someone does turn up good for them, if someone doesn’t turn up, don’t think about it. It doesn’t affect your wedding in any way because you just married to the love of your life.
Chairs for everyone
Now don’t get me wrong, you should have seats, but is okay if you’re a bit short because not everyone is going to sit anyways. It is only a couple of minutes; it’s not that big deal. If someone is old, disabled or pregnant, that’s another story. Other than that it’s completely okay and you stand at your friend’s wedding for a while don’t make a fuss about it. Enjoy hat moment n don’t stress about stuff that doesn’t matter.
A florist
What is YouTube for? Why spend hundreds of bucks on a bouquet that you’re going to throw anyway? Just see a few YouTube videos, and you will know what to do. You can just go to the nearest drug store or flower market and get creative.
Save-the-Date cards
Send an email and tell them when and where you’re going to have your wedding. It’s one less thing that people have to put on the refrigerator or throw in the trash later on. This will help you save a lot of money that you can then put towards having fun after the wedding.
A wedding planner
Like almost everything in life you can do this yourself, you might have to spend a little more time and effort, but it’s your special day can’t trust anyone else now can you. From the wedding invitations to the last detail can all be done according to your vision.
Assigned seating
Do you really need to tell everyone to sit? They will find a place to sit down even if you don’t tell them and it will be easier as they won’t have to go around finding the specific table to sit at.

Ilse Franckaert
Author Bio: Ilse Frank is the mother of two little boys and is an amazing wedding planner. She is obsessed with wedding traditions and all the customs. She regularly posts at
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