Brazilian brigadeiros were a new experience for me. Luckily, I received a package of four of these tiny treats and devoured them all. If, I had gotten the box of 8, 12 or 30, I probably would have shared.

Brazilian Brigadeiros
My Brazilian brigadeiros came from Tiny B Chocolate. They are a cousin to the truffle and made with condensed milk. Mine were made fresh in San Francisco by Brazilian-born Renata, who spent more than a decade of her live learning and honing her skill from her mother.
In Brazil, they represent a way to pause and appreciate all around you. As each one melted on my tongue, I did pause. But, I went back for the next one to see what flavor it would impart.
There are so many flavors and varieties to choose, I’d suggest to visit TinyB’s website,
While visiting the TinyB website, be sure to check out how the Brazilian brigadeiros are made and the story behind them.
These make a lovely gift any time as favors or a gift. With Mother’s Day coming up in May, you may want to try. The recipient will love you.