By Gracy Liura
Losing weight never equaled “stopping eating at all,” as well as the most important part of any diet isn’t what you’re restricted to eat, but the allowed set of foods. A wise eating regime is not only optimal regarding calorie intake but also helps you to regulate your metabolism towards a more efficient energy balance. This principle is the most important part of any diet: preventing you from building fatty masses in the future, not just helping you to burn the old and stubborn ones.

14 Foods That Help Lose Weight
The culinary world is full of various ingredients that are highly beneficial for your weight loss goals. You’ve heard about some of them, while others might become a real surprise even for the most experienced of dieters and health enthusiasts. Today we’ll tell you about the 14 most fantastic foods for losing weight!
- Chicken Breasts
Chicken breasts are a classic. Athletes consume them almost every day to build muscles, while dieters love this source of proteins for its satiating effect. Studies have confirmed that a high-protein diet helps you to control your appetite and think less of food throughout the day.
- Eggs
Whole eggs are the perfect breakfast for those who want to lose weight, and this is a scientifically proven fact. Besides that, whole eggs are rich in proteins and other beneficial nutrients, and they do not increase the risk of coronary heart disease or stroke and do not have an adverse effect on your cholesterol levels, as nutritionists thought in years past.
- Salmon
Salmon is one of the best fishes for weight loss and its included in every diet plan , as it helps you not only to shed more pounds during a diet, but also to decrease inflammatory processes in your body. Additionally, any seafood is a great source of iodine, which is necessary for the health of your thyroid gland and the cognitive functions of your brain.
- Boiled Potatoes
For some of you, this point may be surprising, yet it’s true: potatoes can be a great ally in losing weight. They have an enormous satiety index, which means that you’ll be free of feeling hungry for much longer than after eating other foods. If you chill your boiled potatoes overnight, you’ll increase the amount of resistant starches in them, which are considered to be a type of non-digestible dietary fibers highly beneficial for weight loss.
- Cottage Cheese
A food extremely high in proteins which are great for weight loss, as we already said. Another benefit of including cottage cheese in your diet is that it has a high amount of calcium in it, essential for healthy bones and teeth. Among other dairy products, fat-free cottage cheese is one of the most beneficial for dieters.
- Nuts
Statistical studies report an inverse connection between frequency of nuts consumption and body mass index. So, if eggs are your perfect breakfast, nuts are your dream snack! Carry a handful of almonds or peanuts for when you feel hungry throughout the day: this strategy will help you avoid buying junk food unexpectedly.
- Apples
As the saying goes, “an apple a day keeps the doctor away,” while three apples a day keeps the fat pounds away! Also, apples are rich in flavonoids and antioxidants, which are known to have a positive effect on both weight loss and cancer prevention.
- Seeds
All seeds have a high amount of dietary fibers, which are insoluble substances known to lower appetite and promote weight loss. Easy to carry and pleasant to snack, chia and hemp seeds are your loyal friends during any diet.
- Coffee
Not exactly a food, coffee still helps you both to lose weight and maintain it at the desired level. By boosting your metabolism, coffee enables you to burn previously stored calories and decrease appetite.
- Lentils
Lentils, as well as other beans and legumes, are a wonderful source of resistant starches and other dietary fibers, which are highly satiating. Besides that, fibers lower cholesterol levels and blood pressure, improve gut health and bowel function, have prebiotic and immunomodulatory effects. Phew, that’s some great bouquet of benefits for you!
- Chili Peppers
Chili peppers (and all other spicy foods) increase your metabolism rate, thus literally “burning” previously stored calories. Although this is a beneficial effect, spices should be consumed moderately, as they can damage the lining of your stomach if eaten in significant quantities.
- Avocado
Avocados have quite a lot of beneficial substances for your health: monounsaturated fatty acids, dietary fibers, essential nutrients, and antioxidants. Studies have shown that regular consumption of avocados lowers cardio-metabolic risk, and is associated with a significantly lower body weight and waist circumference!
- Grapefruit
Half a fresh grapefruit three times per day before each meal can help you to lose 1.6 kg in 12 weeks. This fruit can lower levels of circulating blood lipids, body weight, and waist circumference. Don’t forget to eat grapefruits from time to time for a pleasant bonus effect for your slimming course!
- Tuna
Tuna is a lean fish, which means that there are not much fat in it. A great source of pure proteins for those dieters who love seafood! Fish meals are an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids, which reduce inflammatory processes and may significantly improve waist circumference.
A Pleasant Bonus: Phen375
We’ve told you about 14 fabulous foods that can help you to lose weight and drastically improve your health in general. But whether you choose to try them out or form your diet from other tasty ingredients, there’s a thing that can bring you guaranteed weight loss success. It’s called Phen375.
Phen375 is a new dietary supplement, one of the best on the current weight loss market. Produced in an FDA approved facility with only top-quality ingredients, this pill helped thousands of people from all around the world to reach their dream bodies. The best part is that every compound of the formula was scientifically tested for safety and effectiveness, so you’ll know exactly what to expect as a result. Visit the official website for more details and start losing weight without any exercise right now!
In any case, classic advices from professional nutritionists remain true for anyone who’s determined to start eating healthy and slimming down day after day. Here are some of the most effective:
- Control your calorie intake. Write down how much you plan on eating every day.
- Plan your meals and prepare them beforehand.
- Always carry a healthy snack with you.
- Drink enough water and get enough sleep.
- NEVER skip breakfast!
- Start exercising regularly. Cardio is your best friend.
And above all: stay positive. Happy people are healthy people, period.
Good luck in your weight loss course!

Gracy Liura
Author: Gracy Liura
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