Ab Ripper X is the primary ab component of the best selling DVD fitness program – P90x. Because the Ab Ripper part is the primary ab exercise DVD contained in the entire workout system, it is the best part of the program for those that are looking to continue to tone their midsection. Not only will the exercises located within the program help to target your midsection and increase strength of it, it will also help to improve posture and even improve overall athletic performance. Below, we will be going over a brief review of the Ab Ripper X.
- Results One of the best aspects of this entire program is the ability to see fast results. Because the entire program is based off of completing a good amount of aerobic activity, you are going to be able to burn much more fat than with the base program itself. By pairing the actual Ab Ripper section with the base program, you should be able to see even quicker results. After all, your intensity is going to be maintained for longer and more sustained periods of time which can really help to burn fat and tone your mid-section even faster.
- Exercises
Because this DVD contains exercises with a focus on strengthening the core mid section and really getting the body much more toned, you are going to see various forms of exercises that are performed in multiple repetitions. The program itself includes 12 different exercises. Each of these exercises, you will be expected to perform around 25 repetitions. While you will not be expected to do so from the onset, the goal is to get up to 25 as time goes on. As you implement the program each and every day, it should get easier and easier as you go. The entire Ab Ripper workout is meant to last around 16 minutes total.
3. Muscles
As noted previously, the muscles that the program is intended to target are every single muscle that is located within your core. This includes all of the muscles from the lower abdomen to the upper. The various exercises will work to target them all in order to provide your core with significant amounts of exercises that will not only strengthen the muscles but also tone the entire mid section.
- How Often Do You Do It?
When it comes to working out with this program, you are going to want to implement the system for at least 3 days out of your P90x week. When it comes to toning and working out your abdominal muscles, you want to be sure that you are providing your muscles with a good amount of time off in order to really provide it with enough rest opportunity so it can help to maximize your results. Over training this section of your body is only going to result in your body shutting down and actually utilizing its own muscles for energy rather than fat. Therefore, you want to be sure to get anywhere from 24 to 48 hours after every exercise.
In the end, there is a lot that you are going to like about this program if your intention is getting ripped abs. This is easily one of the best ab centered programs on the market and it comes with a lot of content that pairs very well with P90x. If you are looking for the ultimate ab program that is going to provide you with actionable results as soon as possible, this is likely the fitness program you will want to invest in.