By Chris Palmer
Taking care of your elderly parents can get hard, no matter how willing you are to help them. Your cooperation and dedication can prove futile sometimes when you don’t know the basic tactics and tips that help improve your elderly care techniques. Discussed below are some ideas that may improve both, your performance as a carer and the comfort of your parents.

Steps to Help You Take Care of an Elderly Parent
- Initially, you need to make sure the house is clear of any and every kind of fall hazards. All sorts of electronic cords must be regularly tucked inside the rugs or should be taped to floor/walls, so they don’t prove to be a hindrance in walking. Make sure the stairs aren’t too slippery, and the placement of furniture is spacey enough to allow clear passage. A smoke detector is a must have; especially if your parents live by themselves.
- The area of the house where elders are prone to falling is mostly either the stairs or the bathroom. Make sure there are anti-skid pads in the bathroom or right outside and even in the bathtub. The simple rule is to make sure you provide enough frictional floor surfaces to avoid a fall. Make sure all the electric appliances are plugged out while not in use. And installing some grab-on bars in the shower or above bath tub may also prove a preventive measure when it comes to falling.
Steps to Help You Take Care of an Elderly Parent
- You need to make sure the house is illuminated enough, at nights. With age, our sight gets affected quite severely. Install night-lights in and outside your parent’s room, bathroom, kitchen and even the living room. So if they need something in the middle of the night, they’re not hindered by the darkness.
- A bedside phone that gives access to the carer is probably the best safety tip on hand. And intercom system is even better, so they can seek help from anywhere in the house. Make sure your parents have access to your cell when you’re outside. Tape the numbers next to the phone because elderly people can be forgetful. Better yet, get them a cell phone. If you’re staying out for long hours due to work, make sure to check up on them. If your parents have a nurse, give them the emergency numbers such as that doctor’s.
- If you think your parent needs more care than you can manage alone, consider getting help. You can involve your siblings if they live in the same town, you can get help from your friends or relatives. Or you can hire home health services. Planning all the activities ahead of time is a remarkable way of staying stress-free all week long. So you can choose to plan on weekends, you can keep a journal for that purpose so that all the appointments and prescriptions details stay in place.
- Last, but not the least, consider a respite care for both you and your parents. Respite care involves a rest for the regular carer (which in this circumstance can be you), and also serves as a positive change for the elder who’s care is being taken.
With a few simple steps as above, you can be a pro at taking care of your elderly parent.
Image Credit: Pixabay
About the Author:
This post is written by Chris Palmer who is a comedian and a public speaker. He has got a lot of valuable information about dementia and elderly care. He regularly blogs at
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