1. Avoid using public WiFi
Public WiFi is a gateway for thieves to hack your information. The best solution to this is getting your own portable router or setting up a mobile hotspot from your phone.
2. Password-Protect phones and activate tracking tools
Phones are now capable of storing sensitive information, such as emails, messages, credit card information, and other saved passwords. You should change your password regularly. Enabling tracking, and wiping software can be beneficial to find your phone as well as wiping it clean if it has been stolen.
3. Don’t share your location or that you’re on vacation on social media
Burglars can keep track of where you are and plot a perfect time to steal your things when you are on vacation. Never post while on vacation, this leaves the your home/property susceptible to being robbed.
4. Only take things with you that you need
Only take your passport with you if you’re traveling out of the country. I would advise you not to bring your Social Security card or birth certificate. I like to designate two credit/debit cards for my traveling agenda. I leave everything else from my wallet/purse at home to minimize risk.
5. Keep track of all your important documents
One thing that can really put a wet towel on a trip is losing your I.D., passport, or other important documents. Once you have arrived at your hotel, place these important documents in a safe place. Most hotels provide a safe where you simply create a personal code and store your items.
6. Check your card usage daily
It is recommended to simply check your card usage at least one time a day. Make sure you check for suspicious activity on your card and immediately contact your bank. Another great rule of thumb is to check your wallet/purse often to be sure you have everything with you.
7. Protect your home while you’re away
Make sure you have a neighbor or friend collecting your mail. Burglars love overflowing mailboxes because it is a indicator that no one has been home for a while. You can also contact your local post office and have them hold the mail while you’re away. If it is in your budget I would recommend using an affordable security system such as Alder, to protect your home while you’re away. The rate at which burglars target your home drastically decreases when you have a security system in place.
8. Choose clothing carefully while traveling abroad
Make sure you don’t stand out from the crowd. This makes you a target for pick pocketing. You can avoid this by placing valuables like cash in your shoes, in a money belt or envelope worn around your ankles, waist, or bra.
9. Travel in numbers
It is always a good idea to be with a group of people. Stay in well lit and public areas at night.
10. Do your research
Research the area you are traveling. Do your homework and know what places and activities to avoid or cultural norms to be aware of.
I hope you have found this article to be helpful. Have fun while you travel and be safe!
Also check out travel.state.gov. They provide many specific details about traveling safety for individuals.
Author Donna Johnson
I love softball. IMA Southern girl. Home Security Guru. #LGTBQ #Tech #Security #Alabama
Feature Photo by Calle Macarone on Unsplash