Where you spend your nights during a vacation can change how you view the trip as a whole.  Gone are the boring days when the only options were hotels or motels- there are now dozens of listings in every neighborhood in America to stay cheaper with the comforts of home.  The possibilities aren’t that cut and dry, though- there’s a lot to consider.


Hotels are usually in tourist-heavy areas where prices are higher.  It’s not always reliable that you’ll find one near the airport, or your destination, even though they’re trustworthy because of the brand.

AirBnbs offer variance in location, because they pop up almost everywhere that people live.  You can get closer to the beach, airport, or concert, and not worry about getting stuck in a tourist-trap area.


Although hotels are more reliable with the price and can almost find a coupon code to lower it further, AirBnbs are usually competitive with price.  There’s no universal leader on which one is cheaper, but you can keep an eye on both when shopping.  The number of AirBnbs gives you a higher chance of them competing to have the best price to ensure you save money.

hotel vs airbnb


A hotel chain usually strives to give you the same experience no matter which hotel of theirs you’ve seen.  You should be able to walk into a Holiday Inn in Chicago and expect the same service, decor, and attention to detail as one in Los Angeles.

Unfortunately, with Airbnb, predictability is harder to get.  Just looking at houses for sale in Los Angeles can show you the difference between the properties you will see there and in Chicago.  AirBnbs are also different based on the taste of the person who owns it.  There’s no knowing what a listing will have unless you read it- while you can walk into any chain hotel and know what to expect.


For their price, most hotels have a better selection of amenities available.  Although some AirBnbs may have hot tubs or pools available, it marks up their price a lot higher than a hotel of the same square footage.

Many hotels also have room service, towel service, and other things that owners of AirBnbs can’t always offer.  With Airbnbs, you’re getting the feeling of staying in a home, but you also get the drawback of not getting every perk you can get out of a hotel room.


This thought is one more option that Airbnb has the leg up.  Although you can find unique and different hotels, you’ll never find as many new looks and different rooms as you can discover renting from an Airbnb.

You can be beachside, near the slopes, or close to a convention center without having to pay the high price of a hotel offering the same location.  Every home is personalized with its mood and look, and you’ll never have to worry about staying in the same-looking room as the last time.


Feature image courtesy of Pixabay